mio and vario modification - racing look - drag look - racing modification
Trend modification homage to the style of motorcycle drag racing look to be the country of Thailand's most popular flow of current. Yup, lots of reasons other than because the flow is quite simple for the contrived, cheap acesories, and follow style young children.
Enough with the alteration of skinny legs n cingkrang impression besutan typical motor directly karapan already gained. Any kinds of picture modification racing looks and drag look concept thaiand's.
Well, there's good info for mothai lovers, here there are inspiring new items to complement besutan MODIF cool. Look at the manufacturer matic view circulating in countries such as Thailand or Honda. Yamaha Mio Z Icon striping has appeared with more diverse, rich n rich color graphics.
So, we are not forbidden jadi'in new inspiration. But the problem for typical striping dapetin mothai little variety store that is able to provide a choice of colors and styles are limited.
So, the duo matic from the town of Batu Malang have an idea make own distinctive striping memanfaatin Mothai with Digital Printing Stickers are often used in besutan Motocross. U'un creator of Cutting Stickers Bumiaji Batu village.
Yamaha Mio experiments in white color with thin legs appear more Mothai with additional striping to take ideas from Yamaha Mio , Yamaha Mio Z or Soulnya Thailand. Quite taken aja graphic design and integrate your favorite colors can already make a hanging body sector.
Hypercrea his name so it must be more innovative definitely wants to play not only trace, liat nih ekspreimen also second in the Yamaha Mio Soul racing look brand new item belongs to the owner cutting. Typical striping mothai dikembangin again with a decorative graphics in it, with the computer program would be so easy paduin design, motif n color that we want.
Imbued with the distinctive techno graphics and logos or brand manufacturer imbued one with a typical groove striping mothai could've made even more striking appearance standards body. So make mothai lovers, dah nge time getting the display refresh mothai racing look matic modifications.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Any Kinds of Picture Matic Modification Racing Looks and Drag Look Concept
Posted by dwi safitri at 1:04 PM 0 comments
New Satria FU Modif Simple Design
Today, he wants to hunting cute girls with Satria FU simple modif. What else if not the modif motors that must also dress up cute! "Said M. Nursalim, SMADA students who stay in the area Pulungan Pandaan.
Doi necessarily then dressed her Suzi by Satria FU-nge-style race style emang again booming community of slang among Pandaan. Penggarapannya fully completed by Fertile, big boss emang Thole Concept which have special Specializing in daily use MODIF design style.
The figure's legs were closed immediately cast wheelnya, then contrived settingannya spoke wheel with R eks. Satria Tromol support for the stern and Shogi 125 for the front. "The selection of ex Tromol Suzuki products more mengampangkan coz we have the same mounting bracket New Satria F Modif both rear gear and bushing-bushingnya" Fertile straightforward.
Reaffirming accent, racing wheel racing wheel follow-up dicangkoki almu U-Shape profile of the tire circumference mated cungkring 215-17. Moreover, direct digencarkan finishing projects with a total whitewash frame with metallic green color which more and more candy aura racing.
Body setnya white stained rehearsal had additive effect with shades of pearl yellow flag start. Increasingly small and attractive appearance when keresikan backed up his body-color and luster chrome titan in some sudutnya.tito
Specification of New Satria Fu MODIF
Rim: TDR, BAN: Mizzle-Swallow, Handle: Ride It, GAS: Bungbon, Grip: Moto GP, Coil: Ride It, FOOT STEP: Posh, CAT: Lumina White Gold, chromium: Chromium Bangil AB, modifier: Thole Concept , Jl.Ry Pandaan Cow Statue, Rear Yan Motor by Fertile.
Posted by dwi safitri at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Satria FU Modif 2009 Sidoarjo - Positive Rebellion
Satria FU Modif 2009 Sidoarjo-Parents could forbid modifying the motor, but Faruch've already dead in love with customizing motorcycles so reckless violation of the ban doi parent. "What's important I remain respectful and not brash with parent and I'm not a drug," he argued.
Junior high school students this Sidoarjo go to five outlets will close Budhienk Modified racing style trends. After consultation with the chosen hue modifier, the results look funky racing.
Bodi appeared compelling after modification mengguyurnya Budi padepokan owners with paint galaxy. It seems unimpressed plain varnish also pointed galaxy.
Sector appear attractive legs after sleeve pretentious front, rear and standard motor Footstep washed down by AB CHROME chrome layer Bangil.
Not to forget aseso legs also installed the U-shape rim TDR model clad in front of the rear tires Duro. cand
Spesification Satria FU MODIF :
Rim: TDR, BAN: Duro 60/80-17, SOK DPN: chrome, vinyl: Ride It, Tromol DPN: trusty, Tromol BLKG: Variations, CAT: Galaxies, varnish: Galaxies, modifier: Modified Budhienk, Tenggulunan Road, Sidoarjo tel. 085 730 700 001.
Posted by dwi safitri at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Honda Vario Racing Look Concept 2010
As a sniper drugs work to overcome boredom, Aswin who work as a Movement Control Apron PT.Angkasa Pura at Juanda airport in Surabaya to take steps to modify the Honda Vario Racing Look Concept besutan apt introduction to this work.
Low Rider still be modif racing look concept, "While working in Surabaya, loss MODIF coz if not all accessories are widely available here," said this man Makassar origin.
MODIF Vario Racing Look own loot that was started by mengcustom feet wide footprint.
Application of the front rim behind the property with Tromol Suzuki Jimny car he had designed himself in turner from the factory default orsi Tromol materials.
"I'd rather own my idea like a triangle with a wide front, turned away-turned even the steering wheel and the bracket itself was pure from my designs even kubikin own rear fender from ingredients in fiber," added the boarding house residents in Jl. 46 Manyar Sedati Supreme Sidoarjo.
Body areas are also getting creative touch on a unique-looking headlights were round headlamp foglamp owned cars and pearl white finishing elected body that still looks cool impression on this Vario Extreme modification.
Specification MODIF:
Rim FRONT BACK: Suzuki Jimny, BAN: FDR 160/60/17 120/70/14 & Swallow, SCHOK BACKGROUND: Yamaha FIZR, mirror: Stage REM Handle: Brembo, TACHO: Type R, FILTER KARBU: Koso, exhaust: Honda Revo, seats: by Cak Mad, Painter: Airbrush Bhagonk Sidoarjo, MODIF TOTAL: 5 million.
Posted by dwi safitri at 11:29 AM 0 comments
The Best Mio Racing Look Modification Contest
Of the various categories that diperlombakan there is one category that followed many of the contest modification Djarum Black Motodify Solo 2009 and held at Diamond Solo Convention Centre (DSCC). Look Racing category is where this category is intended only motorcycle and dimodif matic already racing with an emphasis showbike model only with external performance as the main assessment. Flow modifications drag racing bike look, and only limited road race. In this class of Revelation Prasetiyo origin of Batu, Malang come out as winners of The Best Racing Yamaha Mio Racing Look with drag style bike.
The owner wants to change her look more Yamaha Mio Racing Look gahar with racing style but still look beautiful. "I want this motor racing formed a pretty mean look but if the racing class is usually just rely on cut-pieces of the body but if this is all accessories included to make it more beautiful," said Wahyu. To resolve this motor takes over two months in the workshop Gepeng penggarapannya Warrior Jl. Patimura seven treatments were: N0. 12th Batu, Malang.
Thai style in order to pursue most of the parts that used to use the country of origin of products TDR White Elephant. "I want to lift all the parts wear TDR TDR, pinging is the Thai look," he explained. On the legs of The Best Mio Racing Look adopted a fork belongs Yoshimura, for standard parts in the braking system and replaced the disc discs gusur Ride It's a Marzocchi disc brakes clamped by Brembo calipers and Brembo master. Trusty drum fingers grabbed the chrome on the wheels of gold berkelir TDR 17/140 size. On the back of adopting the standard drum Shock Daytona and custom. Some parts are experiencing changes such as order custom standard, the front cover of Nouvo Z, a standard body fairing and engine cover custom Mio.
Not only the exterior part of the experience modification, the kitchen pacemaker also experienced significant changes. Rev. confessed his Mio engine jumped to 300cc. "Engine 300 cc, this is used for drag (bike). Machine self-made BMS (Bowo Motor Sport)," said Wahyu. Sections such as changing the type of engine blocks that use RRGS, piston Scorpio, crutches as stroke 5ml, 32 Keihin carburetor, intake manifold Koso, Ignition TDR, Koso oil cooler, exhaust Kawahara. Accessories variations also decorate this drag bike like all the bolts were given oil cooler, handlebar clamp, handlebar stabilizer. To sweeten the look of revelation using brushes of water services by using the Cat Warrior Gepeng Sikken.
Posted by dwi safitri at 11:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Honda Grand Yellow Chrome Full Body Modification
Honda Grand output in 2000 at abis kinclong style modification. Why, because this grand honda modified with painted chrome yellow and chrome body in full. shock mounted on the right with the addition of front disc rear plus double front calipers rear. The used tires are worn tires drag racing. Alloy wheel spokes are used front and rear tire wheel disc using orbitals. At the time of modification of the motor in Jepara contest yesterday, he also entered the contest MODIF in Jepara. But unfortunately not yet a winner of a contest that modification.
Yellow chrome full body modification in grand 2000. Nice Modification concept for old motor cycle.
Posted by dwi safitri at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Honda Grand 2000 Modification - With Green Chrome
This is picture of honda grand 2000 full modification with chrome concept full color. Body full chrome and brush with green color candytone. This picture motor honda grand 2000 modification i take when i see contest in jepara last month. Funky modification concept is the theme of this event contest. Many motorcycle like honda grand modification, and another honda modification i meet in there.
Full color chrome green modif honda grand 2000. and the winner of this contest in jepara i dont know. hehehe
Just share if you want to modif you motorcycle like this picture. Follow this modification unique concept. Make your new concept modification with your idea.
Posted by dwi safitri at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Jupiter Modification in Jepara Contest 2010
In this year, many motors yamaha jupiter in your area. Make you boring, because your friend have jupiters like yamaha standard. Not modification never. So, if you like modif and change your motors with new concept modifcation. I think your motors will be good from color, models, and good view. Woman and gir will follow you. hehe
I have an idea. I want to buy yamaha jupiter all year. And i will to modif my motors jupiter like this picture. I will follow contest modification in my city and i will be the winner. My motor will be famous and have been enter in ototrend and otoplus magazine modification.
Posted by dwi safitri at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Jupiter Modification in Jepara Contest 2010
In this year, many motors yamaha jupiter in your area. Make you boring, because your friend have jupiters like yamaha standard. Not modification never. So, if you like modif and change your motors with new concept modifcation. I think your motors will be good from color, models, and good view. Woman and gir will follow you. hehe
I have an idea. I want to buy yamaha jupiter all year. And i will to modif my motors jupiter like this picture. I will follow contest modification in my city and i will be the winner. My motor will be famous and have been enter in ototrend and otoplus magazine modification.
Posted by dwi safitri at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Yamaha Jupiter 2005 - Full Chrome Modification
Picture of contest in surabaya last month. Yamaha Jupiter full chrome modification. Full body with chrome. In Indonesian language, we say full kroom. More expensive if you want to follow this concept of modification. If you want to try go to contest otomotif modification in your city, so modif and change your motors start from paint concept like grafis, air brush, chrome body, and many color concept of motor modification.
Like this picture of yamaha jupiter modification. They add multimedia modification in this motors. Like TV, DVD players, and sound system. Modif your jupiter now like this photos.
Posted by dwi safitri at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 13, 2010
motor drag bike
300 Custom Chopper with Harley Motor
tan 2007 300 cc
- this chopper has a new 80ci hd evolution motor with a baker 6 speed right side drive transmission, with ...fd for founders day. - the over all length of this bike is 9'6" long. - the pipes are laf (loud ...ebay - 2010/06/11
2009 Custom Motorcycle Show bike! Low miles Low reserve
black 100 cc
...didnt make it last auction! 2009 custom motorcycle 100" revtech motor (1638cc) ultima transmission and primary rigid frame, 34 degrees ...drive this bike was finished (titled in aug 2009) show bike with low miles! 200 miles. bike has been garaged ...ebay - 2010/06/01
Posted by dwi safitri at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: motor drag bike
motor drag bike
2004 Campagna T-Rex Trex 3 wheeler low miles
orange 2004 6676 mi 1200 cc
...campagna t-rex -6676 miles -powered by a zzr 1200 motor and 6 speed tranny -hid headlights -over 800 orange ...real fire by mike davies -panasonic stereo system -new nitto drag radial on the rear -new front and rear sprockets -...ebay - 2010/06/04
92 harley fatboy - $25000 (hillsborough)
80 cc
...do i start ? i im the org owner this bike is my baby it has an 80 in motor bored10 ...all stainless steel lines cereani inverted front end and fat drag bars dyno it 118 hp and 134 ft lb ...craigslist - 2010/05/21
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ebay - 2010/06/04
Posted by dwi safitri at 6:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: motor drag bike
motor drag bike
Triumph Daytona, 200 cc, 2000 mi, 2008
triumph daytona purple 2008 2000 mi 200 cc
this is a 08 jyc drag bobber special construction. this bike has a dot manufactured title, so loans are ...name machined into it. the entire theme of this bike was 60's and 70's drag race so the ...ebay - 2010/05/24
Harley davidson, 800 cc, 1999
harley davidson black 1999 800 cc
...sportster with over $10,000.00 spent on the motor alone. the motor was built 2008 winter and broken in, ...around town or across country. it is not a drag bike but does have the hard tail drag struts and ...mautofied - 2010/05/21
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Posted by dwi safitri at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: motor drag bike
motor drag bike
Triumph Daytona, 200 cc, 2000 mi, 2008
triumph daytona purple 2008 2000 mi 200 cc
this is a 08 jyc drag bobber special construction. this bike has a dot manufactured title, so loans are ...name machined into it. the entire theme of this bike was 60's and 70's drag race so the ...ebay - 2010/05/24
Harley davidson, 800 cc, 1999
harley davidson black 1999 800 cc
...sportster with over $10,000.00 spent on the motor alone. the motor was built 2008 winter and broken in, ...around town or across country. it is not a drag bike but does have the hard tail drag struts and ...mautofied - 2010/05/21
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Harley davidson, 800 cc, 1999
harley davidson black 1999 800 cc
...sportster with over $10,000.00 spent on the motor alone. the motor was built 2008 winter and broken in, ...around town or across country. it is not a drag bike but does have the hard tail drag struts and ...mautofied - 2010/05/11
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Posted by dwi safitri at 2:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: motor drag bike
motor drag bike
Kawasaki, 1600 cc, 1990
kawasaki yellow 1990 1600 cc
...the pictures is a quality built frame with an incomplete motor that appears to be recently rebuilt. i did notice that two pistons were put in backwards and the cam cover had been removed for sometime. this caused the cam ...ebay - 2010/05/13
Kawasaki Ninja, 500 cc, 8100 mi, 2008
kawasaki ninja blue 2008 8100 mi 500 cc
i am selling my track bike. i have had the bike for 8 months. it runs perfect. its super ...and a head gasket. this bike is perfect for another drag racer or a road racer. the bike is in ...ebay - 2010/05/12
Harley davidson, 1450 cc, 1700 mi, 1999
harley davidson red 1999 1700 mi 1450 cc
...excellent conditions. this is a retired show model bike from drag speciaties, custom electrical, control, motor and chassis parts over $14,000 in add ons!!!! i am able to provide the list of add on. power commander!! please contact me ...ebay - 2010/06/08
Posted by dwi safitri at 2:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: motor drag bike